” The Way ” Documentary – Leaving Churchianity To Live Like The Savior

The Way is the story of countless believers around the world who’ve traded Easter ham for Passover lamb and Sunday church for Saturday Sabbath – all in an effort to live like the Savior.

They’re holding every church tradition up against scripture and cutting away anything that doesn’t conform. In the process, they encounter resistance from a religious system two millennia in the making, and for the first time, learn what it’s like to be a “peculiar people.”

Q. What questions does the doc explore?

 – If Jesus lived a perfect life, why do modern-day Christians live so differently from Him, in everything from our diet to our dress to our holidays and day of worship?

 – If God never changes, why is His moral code for modern-day believers different from the one He gave everyone in the Old Testament?

 – Why do we see the apostles observing Passover and other biblical festivals that are nowhere to be found in our modern day church?

 Q. How can I watch The Way?

 You can buy a digital download, 3-disc Extended Edition or physical DVDs right here on the site by clicking “Buy” in the navigation bar.

Interview with Luke and Kayte – Land Of Honey Blog

” this isn’t just a documentary for those in the Hebrew or Messianic movements. I think this would be a great introduction for anyone who is not familiar with this kind of lifestyle.”

What caused you guys to create this documentary?
The Way started as a seed of an idea in Luke’s heart. He’s a journalist, so he’s super inquisitive and great at finding a story. A few years back, he got a call from his mom that she wouldn’t be celebrating Christmas that year. He thought that was crazy, so he set out to research so that he could set her straight with facts. Except he found that she was right about Christmas’ origins. That led him on a search through scripture and church history that revealed the ways that modern-Christianity has veered from the life of Yeshua and the apostles. In the course of all this, I joined him in this journey and we realized there were countless others around the world seeking to get back to a more biblical way of life. So The Way is the story of those people and the things they’ve discovered.
Read more at Land Of Honey Blog