Vision of Global Economic Crash Starting In Japan -Brother Bob’s March 2007 Vision

This prophecy was seen at

Vision of Global Economic Crash

This is the first part of Brother Bob’s 2007 Vision of Persecution and Martyrdom in the US.
It was received in March 2007 and recorded by Al Cuppett.

Brother Bob’s words are in italics, while Al Cuppett’s are in [brackets].

[OK, proceed with your dream …] “This took place last Thursday night – Friday morning. Now what are dates on that, Al? [That would be late on the 8th or early Friday morning on the 9th.] That’s correct. Because I was away. I was not even here (home). I was away to participate in a wedding. We had the rehearsal on Thursday evening, Friday we had off so the couple could take care of whatever prior to the wedding on Saturday. I think what precipitated this (revelation) was the fluctuating global stock markets.

I began to feel within myself, now that’s a personal feeling, nothing from the Father, or the Son, or the Holy Spirit; necessarily. It was just that very ugly feeling that something was not right. That something was amiss. And the dream began, seeing the international dateline with the sunrise coming up over the horizon. Now I don’t know exactly where that is out in the Pacific, but that was the perspective. It was being seen not from ground level, but slightly above the horizon, so that it could be seen coming up over the horizon. Does that make any sense? [Yeah sorta, you were up in the air.]

And as the sun began to cross over the Pacific and reached the Japanese Isles there was this stunned shock, horror, of the Japanese investors and the Japanese people – which the stock market was plummeting … [That’s the Neiki.] OK … [Was that our stock market or theirs?] Theirs! And staying ahead of the sun, so that it could be seen coming up over the horizon, the Lord began to show across the globe it reached the Chinese mainland, went into Hong Kong, came across the Asian markets, and it was like a domino effect … The Chinese looked on in stunned horror. “This cannot be happening!”

The Asian markets shuddered when it reached India. It was almost as if you could hear a pin drop. They could not believe what was happening, because they knew that the jobs that had migrated from the West were going to be gone. [Hummm] As it came across into the Arab producing oil nations, they looked at each other in absolute stunned horror. Some of them were taking their head wraps and burying their face in the head wraps, weeping and wailing as only Arabs can; and they were rocking from side to side.. In utter dismay, knowing that their oil prophets were plummeting. [So they’re seeing something but you haven’t told me what it is yet?] Uhh huh. [OK]

And as this come across into the Middle East, the Jewish people seemed to freeze in terror; knowing instinctively, that without really knowing what was taking place, that it was going to involve them, their nation, Jerusalem, and the potential for never again happening again. It swept across into Europe, and there was this sickening in their spirits, watching the economies of the world.. Now this was what the Father was showing. The economies were imploding/exploding inwardly.

As this came across Europe into England, and the nations of Wales and Scotland and Ireland and Iceland, and on over until it reached the shores of America, the world was waiting with baited breath. [Uhh huh] And. the people on Wall Street literally, they went to work that morning.. Now do you remember what the Father had shown years earlier about the stock market imploding and exploding at the same time? [No but..] Well, He showed as the horizon light came over Wall Street .. Are you familiar with when you want to send a message electronically so that it is sealed from enemy, so that it’s sent in a burst? [Yes, burst communications] You could have a great deal in info sent in a few seconds in this burst.. Well this is what the Father showed. I began to ask, “Father, what is this?”

And in a moment of time He permitted what was shown over an extended period of time years ago about the stock market imploding and exploding at the same time – first. And I said, “Oh My God!! You have got to be kidding? Not now!” Because the sense was, Al, that this was no longer going to be in the extended future, or intermediate future, this was coming upon us earlier and faster than anyone had ever imagined. Because there were those who were going to prepare for this. And as the Bible says it would overtake them.

And in one hour all of their wealth would be worth nothing and they would throw their gold and silver into the streets. That is what the prophets say. [Have you explained what happened to this point?] Ahh, yes it’s coming. [But you’re gonna explain what we’re talking about?] Yes. And brother as this went on over America and Canada, Mexico, South America, and on towards the International Date Line, the same identical thing was taking place.

As the nations and peoples of the earth realized looking at all of this, but not really believing what they were seeing that the world’s economies were imploding and that all that they had amassed in the stock market, and that was connected with it, their lives were literally being imploded and exploded at the same time. Everything that they had was now worthless. In the midst of that it started in Japan … [Well, that’s how it works.] But the results started in Japan.

The wealthy men, the super wealthy, began to take their lives. The middle class people they made runs on the banks. The middle class and the lower class people, they ran to the food stores and to the places where … and this began to cascade … The food stores were cleaned out. They went to the places that stored the foods for the food stores to have their stock transported to them; and raided those … [distribution centers!] OK, distribution centers. And from there they would go to the factories and take what they could. And from there they went to the farmers. And from there they went to the people who stocked food in their homes, and to where the food was being prepared to go to the manufacturers.

It went all the way down to the fields, Al. Stripping it bare like the Bible speaks of the locusts and the different insects that would come afterwards and it was stripped bare and there’s nothing left on the land. [Hummm] Al, that precipitated the riots. It was literally every man and every woman and every child for themselves.

The feeling of fathers taking care of there families began to dissipate. Of mothers going and getting the food stocks for their children began to disappear. And when children see adults running rampant and wild-eyed and there’s nothing but chaos, them began to scream and howl not knowing what to do.

Now you picture that from Japan onward. Al, Japan was the first. They declared martial law. [Well something had to have happened the day before in America or Mexico that triggered the thing.] That was not shown. There was a sense as this day’s horizon began to creep across the globe, that there is something very, very, very wrong here.

And yet, a for instance when it reached China they knew what to do. I mean, they clamped down with a tight fist; the stranglehold of Communism. And as it creeped (sic) across the globe, there was with baited breath, “Will America hold?”

Now remember, the same scenario that was just said about Japan, with the people rising up in riot and the nation declaring martial law, and they were no they went from using crowd control methods to deadly force. Shoot on sight. [That’s in Japan?] Uhh huh.. Now this was coming across the globe. Asia went mad! And there was a blood bath as nations began to lock down. When it reached the Arab world their thinking was “This is Allah’s judgment on the word for rejecting Islam.” Now they’re gathering their minds, “Should we or should we not launch?”

As this came across Israel they knew that the world was going to come for them. And they were set on the highest alert. Whatever that is in Israel. [The Jews in Israel. Right?] Still there? [Yes] As this came cross the unthinkable became reality; and was realized.The Euro began to gain in strength; because, remember, then world’s economies at this point in time are still based on the dollar. So as these economies exploded/imploded it was seen as the strengthening of the Euro became disproportionately stronger. And Europe realized, “We may be able to weather this thing’.

When it reached America, when the same results that commenced in Japan, and spread across the entire Eastern Hemisphere, brother this was the gruesome reality. It was almost as if I were there, walking through this myself. [And the gruesome reality is???] Al, the president declared martial law. And realizing that this had been set in motion by something, or some things … We’re going to call it the shadow governments – plural – of the N. W.O, they could not stop it!!

Read the Full 7 part (18 page) vision in PDF format (you will want to save this document)

  1. Global economic crash starting in Japan
  2. Martial law and foreign police in the US
  3. Unfaithful pastor payoff
  4. New World Order begins slaughtering Christians and splitting up families
  5. New World Order begins slaughter of red and blue lists
  6. Marriage supper of the Lamb
  7. The returning, conquering Messiah – King of kings and Lord of lords!


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