Rachel Baxter
The dream on 12.19.15
The dream on 1.16.16
I was in a school bus sitting near the front of the bus with a group of people, mostly young people like those in their teens and 20s. Friends of mine who are in youth ministry were also on the bus. It’s night time and one of the youth is saying to my friend that he should have brought boots because it’s going to be really cold at night. I think to myself that I don’t have boots either and am disappointed. Our bus driver is also our leader. I see out ahead that it looks like we are coming to the end of a road that ends at a field. Off to the right in the sky is the moon, but then in front of us I am also seeing what looks like another moon.
The driver tells me to point out to the rest of the group that we are seeing Niburu, so I turn around and tell everyone that they should look out to see Niburu, also called Planet X or Planet 7x. I tell them that I’m an engineer and have done research on this planet. I say that I don’t know nearly what Gil Broussard does on the subject though.
Then it’s like the earth on the sides of the road is just gone, and in front of us at the end of the road it is also just gone, like we are just going to drive into empty space or fall off a cliff into dark space. The bus driver begins to turn the bus around and I begin to pray for Jesus to come right now to take us all. The bus turns off the road and to my surprise we do not fall into nothingness but turn normally.
Then, in the dream, it was like we had arrived at our destination and I was in a hotel room. I was unpacking things and looked out the window and could still see Niburu straight in front of me while off to the right I could also see the moon. I remember thinking I should take a picture because it was so clear. It was large and had a red tint to it. The sun was starting to come up so I had to hurry. I found my phone but couldnt seem to make it work to take the picture. Then the sun came up and I could no longer see the planet. End of dream.
Dream Interpretation:
The school bus speaks of being trained in ministry and being taken to a place of learning for future seasons or testing. The reference to the boots speaks of taking a firm stance, standing on the Word, while being prepared to rest in the peace of The gospel of Christ. There is bold advancement of the truth found in His Word that is coming forth. I believe the earth falling away represents our need to trust fully in Jesus during the time ahead, perhaps when the Lord uses Planet 7x just as He did throughout the Bible as Broussard postulates. I do think it is worth noting that Gil’s name was specifically used in the dream. I can’t remember ever having another dream where I heard or spoke another person’s name, and a stranger who I do not know. The hotel rooms speaks of a temporary time of transition where the window I looked through represents the knowledge being revealed or laid open so that the truth is made known.
I also think it is interesting to note that in one dream I saw Niburu at the same time that the sun was visible and in the other dream I saw it at the same time as the moon. I don’t know for certain but it could be that there is coming a time when we will be able to see it both in daylight and at night.