If you have ever contemplated how to memorize books of scripture, consider looking at using Bible Emoji.
I know when I read my bible, I read for the content or understanding, but I never seem to really be able to recite the scriptures by memory. Can you relate?
If there was a tool for memorizing large amounts of scripture in shorter periods of time, would you want it?
Experts have said that the brain often works with pictures. So why not test your memory of the scripture by using icons with pictures?
I am not suggesting using these books for daily bible studying, as there isn’t enough substance there…. but as a tool in remembering scripture.
Just under 3,300 pages, the book was made available on the iTunes store for only $2.99.
The project used a program that linked 80 emoji with 200 corresponding words, and the whole project took about six months to create.
Christianity Today remarked that the Emoji bible uses the King James Version, which many of us consider trustworthy. If there was ever a translation I feel I want to memorize, it would be the King James Version.
This distinctly 21st-century twist on the Bible brings up the age-old issue with Bible translation: Should translators stick to an “essentially literal,” word-for-word translation, or should they aim for “dynamic equivalence,” or thought-for-thought?
The emoji Bible goes with the former. A translator program substituted 80 icons that directly represent 200 different words in the text: a tree for a tree, water droplets for rain, and a smiley face emoji with a halo for God. It is also written in all lowercase and makes some “text-friendly substitutions,” like changing “and” to “&.”
Exodus 15:2 in Bible Emoji.
The replacement isn’t always smooth. For example, “strangers” ends up with an anger emoji in the middle of the word.
Exodus 23:9 in Bible Emoji.
I think one of the drawbacks to this book is you may not like how some of the images or icons are represented. The peace symbol, many people can say is occult in nature. Also at first glace, I do NOT like how the Holy Spirit is represented as a ghost with the tongue out. So I suppose those are things you will have to keep in mind.
- You can find this bible on Apple itunes here
- Create your own at http://BibleEmoji.com/
- View pictures of this book on Google Images
- Find the Bible Emoji on Facebook
- Find more pictures of the Bible Emoji On Facebook
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