Deputy Marty Breeden Shares His Prophetic Dreams Of Warnings Of Terror Attacks Coming For American Soil

Tony Koretz
 Episode 108 of the A Minute to Midnite Show sees the return of Deputy Marty Breeden. Marty shares some incredibly powerful prophetic warnings for the world as a whole, America specifically, and then even more specifically, to the Christian Church in America.
We believe these warnings are to be taken very seriously, along with them the practical advice given in this interview on what to do to prepare.


Excerpts: “Early morning on March 25th 2017, I was given a dream in the middle of the night, which was one of the more frightening dreams I’ve ever seen.

I saw multi-stage Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM’s) flying over the skies of America’s rural country areas. “

“You’ll seldom ever see me post that I have heard from the Lord. This post is different because I have. I understand the gravity of that statement.

I’ve had this STRONG sense over the the last few days that the Lord is about to send to and through His servants a message of Repentance, first to the church and then to the lost world.”

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