“The earth was created to respond to righteousness” – John Paul Jackson


The Late John paul JacksonJohn Paul Jackson


11/13/2011  From The Daystar Celebration

First of all, one of the things God keeps reminding me is that it is not His desire that difficult times happen. 

It’s not His desire that the Mississippi flood just happened.  It is not His desire that the Japan issues happened.  None of these things are His desire.  His desire is that people will follow Him. 

The problem is when we don’t follow Him, then righteousness lies in the streets, justice runs amuck.  So the earth responds to that.  So when we see things happening on the earth, the things we’ve been seeing, Mississippi, fish floating, coming to the short, it’s because the earth is responding to sin. 

The earth was created to respond to righteousness, none of these things are God’s desire, none of them are God saying ……  I’m going to get you. 

It’s not God saying, He got us.  It’s the agony of God’s heart that these thing happen.  But the joy of God’s heart is this.  That people would turn to Him.  That’s the joy of God’s heart.  So one of the things He keeps reminding me, when we see all these things happening, it’s to draw people to him and because the earth is responding to the increased presence of lawlessness. 

One of the things we have to do as the body of Christ, we have to increase the spiritual water table of the land. 

Leaders rise out of the spiritual water table.  When you have a low spiritual water table, low leadership arises.  When you have a high spiritual water tables, high leadership arises.  We need to increase the spiritual water tables of the land. 

We do that by putting righteousness above our own desires, where we seek the well being of others, and God’s kingdom over our own well being and personal desires.  We also have to vote righteously and stand up for right over wrong. 

We have to make a clear distinction, not just between good and evil, but its not easy to make a distinction between God and good.  God was in the tree of life.  There’s a way that seems good.  We have to distinguish between God and Good.  When you start practicing righteousness and righteousness grows in the land and grows in the people, that distinction becomes easier and easier to make. 

Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. That will be a worldwide calling on the name of the Lord, not just a particular city or a particular town.  Though that’s not to exclude a city from having a move of God.  When evil mounts up, God mounts up.  Evil responds to what God is doing. 

We’re going t see great things from God happening in the midst of seeing concerning things on the earth as well.  

All these things are designed to get the attention of the world, the United States.  We are to be a leader of this era, to be a leader of missionary outreaches bringing people to the saving knowledge of who Jesus is.  There’s only one way to the Father, and that’s through the Son. 

When asked, most Christians would say they believe the Bible. But when probed further, and asked specifically about the supernatural events that took place throughout the Old and New Testaments, and if they can be taken literally, that is when the words “symbolism”, or “metaphorical” get thrown around.

  • Did the Red Sea really part to allow the Jews to escape the Egyptians?
  • Did one angel really strike down armies of men?
  • Did Jesus really walk on water, turn water into wine, be born of a virgin, feed 5000 with a just few baskets of food…

Did those things really happen? Or were they just metaphors?

Backed into a corner with the reality that the Bible actually says these things happened, and they are happening again today.  John Paul explains the mysteries behind dreams, and dream interpretations, angels, justice, and good and evil….  and so much more.

Dreams and Mysteries with John Paul Jackson

Dreams and Mysteries with John Paul Jackson is a television show that will not shy away from the difficult questions about the supernatural arena.

Here are just a few of the topics discussed:

– The Mystery Of Justice –here

– The Mystery Of Dreams- here

– The Mystery Of Prophets & Phychics- here

– The Mystery Of Good & Evil- here

– The Mystery Of Angels –here

– The Mystery Of The Holy Spirit- here

– The Mystery Of The Gift Of Revelation- here

– The Mystery Of The True Spirituality- here

– The Mystery Of Destiny-here

– The Mystery Of Time- here

– The Mystery Of Choice- – here

– The Mystery Of The Law Of Attraction- here

Links To John Paul Jackson

About John Paul Jackson – Streams Ministries International

John Paul Jackson‘s Prophetic Headlines

John Paul Jackson – Flower Mound, TX – Author | Facebook

John Paul Jackson On Youtube

John Paul Jackson A Call To Arms Prophetic Conference Youtube

John Paul Jackson-Power and Authority – YouTube

Voice of the Prophets 2013 John Paul JacksonYouTube

John Paul Jackson 2012-2013 prophecy update – YouTube

John Paul Jackson at The Freedom Center – YouTube

Joni – Days of Elijah with R.T. Kendall and John Paul Jackson

Must See Update 2012-2013 John Paul Jackson, Riots … – YouTube

The Green Room – John Paul Jackson (10.01.2013) – YouTube

Must See Update 2013 John Paul Jackson, Global Crisis – YouTube



66 John Paul Jackson & Prefect Storm Interview – YouTube

Backstage Show with John Paul JacksonYouTube

John Paul Jackson‘s Videos – XPMedia.com