Trump Used In Office For A Great Shaking, Sinning Politicians Exposed – Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj

(Look at this prophecy in a slightly different way)


Seen at

  • Sadhu Sundar-Selvaraj’s Prophetic Words for America Day 1- Jim Bakker

Speaking as a guest on the Jim Bakker Show on December 4 2017, Sundar Selvaraj shared a word he received from God regarding President Trump’s role in the United States, as shown in the 6:47-minute video below.

“The Lord God has put Mr. Donald Trump in the office of the president to shake this nation, so he is a representative of God. God is going to shake this nation. The things that were hidden underneath for so long, your politicians who have been messing, your politicians who have been sinning, they are now being exposed.”

Then he shared a vision he received back when Obama was still president. The Lord showed Sundar there was so much filth in our capitol building, He refused to even enter. Then as the vision continued, Sundar walked with the Lord into the Oval Office of the White House and the Lord said, “Look at the abomination that is in this place. This abomination you see here (in the Capitol building) came into the nation because of this man.”

Sundar explained, “See, when you have a righteous leader, righteousness will spring up in the land, but when you have a corrupt leader, evil will come upon your the land.”

Then he explained, “Now you have a new president. In his first year, he is correcting many wrongs that have taken place in the last eight years. Because of him there, God’s representative, it opens the door for God to work in your nation, exposing corruption, exposing immorality taking place on Capitol Hill. God is using Mr. Trump to shake this nation.”


Angelic Visitation Reveals Trump Is In Danger Of Being Impeached And Removed From Office – Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj

See this post here

Jonathan Theiben

August 27 ·

By Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj

August 17-20, 2017
Speaking at The Gathering Church in Moravian Falls, NC

Prophetic warning for the United States.

Excerpts have been transcribed below.

“The Lord spoke to me about this nation, ‘What you need is not a revival. What you need is to put your house in order.’

When Mr. Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, the Lord spoke and said, “His election is a sign that I am giving you four years of grace.”

Last chance grace, four years to put your house in order. Four years to get your act right. Four years to put your life right. Four years to restore all things back together in its right place. Four years to get rid of all the leaven from your midst. Four years for the bride to get ready. You have four good years.

If you make good of these four years, then you will have many more good years to come. If you fail in putting your house in order in these four years, then great tribulation and great captivity will come.

I saw the Lord Jesus in the heavens and He was telling me, ‘Tell the people to pray for their president very much because there is a danger for his life and for his presidency. If he fails to complete his term, you see, Heaven has determined four years of grace. It has been apportioned for you. If he does not complete his term, that means the time of grace is aborted. If the time of grace is aborted, you go into your captivity. When his presidency is aborted, the church in the United States will be held accountable before God. God will hold you accountable for all the mess that will come upon this nation as a result of the abortion.’

Before this nation is judged for her sins, God gives you one last opportunity for grace. You don’t want to mess that up, so you want to pray much.

First, put your house in order. Put your church is in order. Remove all the leaven from your midst.”


The Original Trump Prophecy That Came To Pass

Speaking in session ten of the 2016 Lancaster Prophetic Conference on August 13 2016, Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj shared a message on his revelations.

He tells of how he has been caught up to heaven where he was able to take apart of a kind of heavenly gathering is called “the prophet’s council”  He said that some of the choice prophets of God in the Bible are in the council.

“I have been privileged by the grace of God to participate in that council as a member of the council to hear decisions they make and to discuss about issues of nations. The first time that I ever went to the council was in the year 2008, just before the U.S. general elections. That was the first time that Mr. Obama was running for election. I went to this council and Abraham is the chairman of this council. And he asked me to come closer to him, so I stood closer. He had a file in his hand and on the file was written the word U.S.A. And he looked at the file and he said, ‘Obama will be elected President.’”

Then unexpectedly he was caught up into this council again:

“…suddenly I was caught up in the spirit and I found my soul standing before the council, the very council where I always used to go and I saw father Abraham and I was standing beside him. And I was very surprised to see Donald Trump come and stand in that room. This is what I was told,

“Trump will become President. He will be used to clean and purify the nation. As hard as he is, he has been prepared for this. As Cyrus was used to discipline Israel and then to restore Israel, likewise Trump will be used in the U.S. He will be used to curb violence. He will be God’s mouth and hand for this nation.”