A Great Word Of Encouragement In A Season Of Transition

Psalm 145Reyna put together this 17 minute video that might lift you up if you have been feeling down. If you feel like you have been through a lot in the last year or years, and are waiting for the doors to open in your life, maybe it is because you are in a transition period.

While there may be tough times ahead, it is not about how much we have prepared, and if we have enough…..because there is going to be holes in every good plan we put together, but it is about getting closer to the one who is in control of things.

If you know that a collapse is heading our way, you may be feeling a bit down about not having enough for those times ahead.  Press forward with your intimacy with God, because he will never leave us or forsake us.

She encourages us to press into the Lord.  If you have a diamond ring, you know when you clean it off, and wash it, it sparkles. Dirt on your ring can prevent it from shining.  We are to shine for our Lord.  Listen to it here

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