Randy Sharpe’s Prophetic Dream Of Seeing The Gulf Of Mexico From His Backyard In Central Florida


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George Becky Sharpe.jpgGeorge Sharpe, ( who also goes by the name Randy ) emailed us to tell of a prophetic dream that tells of an event that could take place in Florida in the years ahead.  In his dream, he looks out of his home and is able to see the Gulf of Mexico.  Could his dream be telling him of a future event that involves a tsunami, or a land divide?

He has given me permission to re-publish his dream below.

You can follow George’s facebook page The Fire Escape

Hello Sister Meranda,

Let me give a little context. My wife and I live in Lakeland, Florida (Central Florida). The front of our home faces east in the direction of Orlando. The back of the house faces west toward Tampa which is about 40 miles away.

Here is the dream I had a little over 2 years ago.

I was standing on the back deck of our home looking to the west (Tampa). Around my home, I noticed standing water on parts of the property where the land is low lying but where it is usually dry. It appeared that water had come up around the house but had receded. There was no damage to the house. There was also no damage to the house next door which is where my brother-in-law lives with his family. He is a believer.

As I looked to the west, instead of trees, pasture land and homes, what I saw in the distance was the Gulf of Mexico. I had the sense it was probably 15 or so miles away. Between our house and that body of water was nothing but empty land. Plant City lies between Lakeland and Tampa. Plant City and Tampa were gone.

The dream changed and I was in Plant City with my wife, Becky, standing in front of our church, Youman’s Praise and Worship Center. Becky was between me and the church. From the west, I saw a large wave of water bearing down on us. I yelled for Becky to run to the church and open the door. As she opened the door, a huge wave of water rushed out of the church building. The church building was no longer available to us.

The dream changed one final time. I was the passenger in a car with a driver who I did not know I realized that I was only an observer. The driver was being bashed around inside the car as it was being swept away by a large wave of water.

This is where the dream ended.

Over the next couple of days, I shared this dream with my wife, other family members and a couple of friends.

About two days after my dream, I was watching the Jim Bakker Show. John Kilpatrick was sharing his testimony about the New Madrid Fault splitting. Part of it he described as looking down from a location that would be at the northern part of the Gulf of Mexico.

Meranda, I shuttered as he spoke because I realized what Pastor Kilpatrick was describing from his overhead view, I had viewed from ground level in the dream.

This was not my first dream where I feel the Lord was speaking. My life since March 2, 2008 (a story of deliverance) has been the most amazing life I could imagine. Impossible things.

God is wonderful and, whatever comes, He will not be caught by surprise and my family is sheltered under His wings.

Fasting has been a big part of our seeking God. I had struggled with what we should do in terms of leaving or staying in Florida. God settled that during a time of fasting with Isaiah 26:20-21;

“Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.

For, behold, the Lord cometh out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity:”

Without a lot of detail, God impressed upon me how to secure our home for the temporary “wash over”. He has also supplied what I will need for that. We felt impressed that when whatever is to come comes, and when conventional wisdom says “run”, we are to “stay put”. My sense is it will be terrifying but we will be in His hands.

Becky literally said just yesterday, “Randy, do you know what I think the Lord is going to do about Florida and us in particular concerning your dream?”

I told her “wait”, and I held up my pinky finger. She looked at me sort of questioning. I then said, “Go ahead and tell me”, as I continued to hold up my pinky finger.

She continued. “I think we are going to be an island. It may be small enough that invading powers that come later wouldn’t even take notice of us, but plenty large enough to keep those people God in trusts to us”.

As I stood in front of her with my raised pinky finger I asked her, “What is this in sign language?” Becky replied, “It’s an ‘I’.”

I told her, “Yes, ‘I’ for island.”

I had felt the same impression recently… an island.


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