Tim B wrote us to tell us about a dream that he had several years ago about a meteor that hits the Atlantic ocean. This dream lines up with so many other dreams about this very topic. He gave me permission to publish it, without releasing his last name.
Hi, hope all is well. I recently discovered your show on the PTL web site and just finished watching “prophecies of the future” dated July 20th. It was an excellent program. You and your husband have some good on screen chemistry going. And the content was most interesting.
During your program you mentioned people having dreams/visions of a meteor exploding over or in the Atlantic Ocean and causing a Tsunami. I’ve heard of the New Madrid Fault line erupting, Earthquake induced Tsunami on the west coast but never a meteor caused Tsunami in the Atlantic until your show.
It immediately brought to mind a very vivid dream I had a couple years ago I thought I’d pass along. First a little of my background. I’m a married 50 year old geologist living in ****. I’ve a strong faith in Jesus, pray continuously, watch Christian programming daily, read Christian books but have plenty of flaws. I rarely go to church and enjoy drinking beer more than I should. As such, I wouldn’t consider myself a “top notch” Christian or the kind of guy to receive a dream from God. That said, my faith in Jesus is rock solid. And I believe most all the signs are pointing to end time events unfolding in this generation.
Here is my dream/vision. I’m not sure what to call it – but it was very vivid, more so than a normal dream.
I was in New York City near the waterfront. I’ve never been to NYC but I knew that’s where I was. It was a warm time of year as I had no jacket on. The sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky. It was late morning/early afternoon from the sun angle. I was in a crowd of strangers when I looked up and saw a massive meteor slowly flying from west to east. The meteor looked like a large fireball. It wasn’t blinding to look at though. I got the attention of several people around me and pointed it out to them. The meteor made no sound. I watched as it flew past New York City and headed out to the Atlantic Ocean. It was actually a beautiful sight. In my mind I recall thinking, “ Well it didn’t hit the city but it’s going to impact in the ocean or close to Europe.” Then I woke up.
So, the dream is earth shattering but seems to tie in with one of the themes you discussed during your show. Take care and God Bless! Tim B
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