” I think I released to the public in around 2008. I think he told to me about 10 or 15 years ago and it was that there were this is a prophetic word for the United States so my apologies to those living around the world elsewhere but what he said at the time is is this.
I was going to ask him about our nation where we were going and everything and he said there would be two hurricanes that would hit the United States and you know I first I thought okay maybe Katrina and Harvey were one. I’m recording this live here where hurricane Harvey hit Texas. Hurricane Irma is turning in the Atlantic and we don’t know the exact direction she’s going to go.
People who have been with me for a while…… so they remember that word. Some people have it off a little bit their memory you put words in my mouth and everything so let me just share……..
The Father told me was that there would be two hurricanes it would hit the US. The impression was they would be back to back. You know I’d wondered for a while of Katrina and Harvey you know 12 years apart were it, …. but nothing resonated with me.
But with Harvey and then Irma about to hit perhaps Florida……………… anyway He told me that there would be two hurricanes that would hit the United States and the first one would be very expensive as would the second one. He said it would come at a time when the Congress had many decisions to make and determining the direction for this nation.
He said after those two hurricanes we would see an earthquake in California and and that would be that would be interesting and devastating and expensive as well. He said that it would come at a time when the US was already dealing with the great expense of the Hurricanes.
You know how it is, Katrina there’s areas still you know 12 years later where they’re still dealing with. He said then will come another earthquake that will occur in an area not normally thought of as prone to earthquakes not normally thought of as having earthquakes and He didn’t specify the city he just said that there would be another earthquake would come and he talked about the the economy being affected by this and people being affected by this and that there would be many factors contributing.
I shared a little bit on my mailing list and all that that when I was having my 8th hub and I couldn’t breathe late at one night and it was before the you know realized how bad it had gotten that it was hindering my my heart flow and fluid was building up and I was sitting up in the recliner in the middle of the night they had and yet prescribed lasix or anything for a diuretic to get rid of it. I hadn’t had my cardioversion procedure yet and I was just worshiping the Father. I’ve been to heaven, I don’t have any fear about going home but it’s not the right timing.
Stock Market Collapse, Bank Freeze, Yellowstone Erupts- A Prophetic Dream Given To Jennifer Schultz