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Update – Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2019 – arabnews.com
Today, November 20th, a good friend of mine sent me an article from Arab news that stated that the aircraft carrier- The USS Abraham Lincoln is set to be deployed for The Strait of Hormuz which matches up to what many prophetic voices see as a catastrophic disaster for the United States.
This exact ship has been mentioned in many prophecies, and this exact location has been seen by a few prophetic voices.
We need prayers for our servicemen right away!
According to Naval Technology the USS Abraham Lincoln can carry 90 aircraft models helicopters. The vessel can accommodate up to 5,680 people, including the ship’s crew of 3,200 and an aircrew of 2,480.
Please pray for this ship and the crew aboard. Below, I have copied in the articles that give you the specifics of what many prophetic voices have seen.
!! A Planned Attack – Submarine Fires And Sinks An Aircraft Carrier – 2012 Prophetic Dream Robert L. Williams
Aircraft Carrier Sinking Warning Dream, I got this dream on 12-10-12. Today is 12-18-12. I felt that God wanted me to get this warning dream out. So we can pray that this will not happen. This could cause a war we don’t want that. Keep our Military personal lifted up in prayer.
Today is December the 18th 2012. I have a prophetic warning for you. I got a dream back on December the 10th, of 2012. I’ve been holding on to this dream for a while and praying about it. The Lord keeps bringing this dream back up to me to get this warning out. When I saw this dream, I saw myself on a submarine. It was sitting on the ocean floor. There was an aircraft carrier that was approaching. It was very close, it was in firing range. I saw that other personnel like other officers was talking to the captain to fire at this submarine.
They were setting there to sink this aircraft carrier. The captain said “no, we will longer wait till it turns and goes down this narrow canal”. The captain said if we fire now, they will see us possibly on radar, and they would destroy the submarine. So the aircraft carrier made a right turn down this narrow canal. Then the submarine made its move. But before it fired, I woke up from the dream. I do not know what country the submarine belongs to, or the aircraft carrier. But the submarine was waiting for this aircraft carrier to approach and to go down this canal. This was a planned attack.
This is something for all of us to pray against. Because if that ever happened or occurred as possible that could bring on world war three or major conflict in whatever region this is in. There’s a lot of conflicts in the Middle East right now. So we all need to pray against this attack on this aircraft carrier.
This is just a prophetic dream. So pray against it. And if anyone else has had any kind of dreams like this in the last week or two, please put a comment on the comment section. And let me know what dreams you also had. If anything, if anybody is picking anything up on this, please let me know.

“I heard the word “Lincoln”, I saw and felt it sinking ” – Trouble at the Strait of Homuz – Prophetic Word Caroline Diadem
See this post here – “I heard the word “Lincoln”, I saw and felt it sinking…
I saw some warfare on the oceans. I kept seeing the ocean. I knew there were ships. I also saw a small fleet of men and a small, high speed boat.
I sense there was conflict. This was out in the deep ocean. I asked who the people were, and I had heard “ Soviet, and military “. Then I had heard ” aircraft carrier “.
( I was asking questions in my heart, ………….the Lord was giving me answers. )
I knew the military was the USA, I wondered where this was, and I heard ” Straight ” (Strait) .
See this prophetic dream here:America Shocked As 2 US Naval Ships Sink In Asian Conflict…
.……………See this prophetic dream here: I Saw an Aircraft Carrier Sink – A 2015 Prophetic Dream…
A Big Explosion! A US Naval Ship Sinks – A 2015 Prophetic Vision To Sister Barbara
A Big Explosion! A US Naval Ship Sinks – A 2015…
“ I could see that it was starting to sink; it was sinking. And I go a word of the name of the ship; It was a military ship and it was named after a United States President. “
See this video here……..
“The heart of the U.S. Army was wiped out in one blow” Iran Nukes U.S. Army – A 1983 Prophetic Vision Given To Chuck Youngbrandt
Vision Given to Chuck Youngbrandt on 10-14-1983, Text – 2-02-06
Note from Chuck’s letter on 12/20/06: We know from Jesus’ Word that the President has opportunity to escape this “war trap” up until and ending May 16, 2007 – after that here is no escape, only desolation
11/20/19 -Russia Blasts U.S. Sending Troops to Saudi Arabia, Saying ‘Are They Going to Fight Someone or What?’ –newsweek.com/
War Will Not be Turned Back Now for it is Time- Jeff Byerly
1992 Night Vision
“At the time there was no ABRAHAM LINCOLN”
See this post here –angelfire.com/ Published May 29, 2003
It must have been in 1992-3 when i had a night vision where I saw a “bridge” of a US capital ship when the “radar” began to pick up “bogies” in huge numbers. I watched as commands were given and planes were launched and missiles were fired.
I sensed the amazement of the officers that the “attack” had come from “behind them” when their expected enemy was still ahead of them. This plays right into the IRAQ/IRAN situation that we now see.
Then I was above the “fleet” watching as the sky filled with explosions as defensive fire started taking out “exocets”….. and then I saw lines of fire as numerous PHALANX guns opened fire………
I watched planes catapult off a carrier’s deck as the “exocets” began to hit their targets. It was in the fire of the burning deck that I saw the name….LINCOLN….. I watched several frigates literally blown apart by several simultaneous “hits”……… in all I could “see” two carriers “dead in the water” with the wreckage of other ships all across my field of vision.
I watched as several TOM CATS in full afterburner came from my left to my right which is where the attack originated. so there had to be another carrier……..and as I watched them move away from me I could see the second wave of “exocets” coming towards me….. it was then the “vision” ended.
But this is the “weirdness” of the prophetic. At the time there was no ABRAHAM LINCOLN. And honestly because of that fact I put the “vision” aside. Then in 1999…if I remember correctly….I responded through Bill Somer’s site to a post by Bryan Hupperts concerning Sadam Hussain called “BASKET VISION” where I spoke of the sinking of our carriers…………
” I saw one ship to our left completely engulfed in flames and dying “
Robin Johnson I heard that other Presidents like Mr. Obama were aware that targeting General Soleimani would be dangerous — so they left him alone. Sometimes your enemy has more than one head — so-to-speak. Or, to put it another way, there’s more to the enemy than what you see.
We will see what happens. In November of 2019 I had a weird dream about being on a U.S. battleship that was ordered to nuke an unseen ship. We shot our missile, but we waited too long to retreat–meaning that we would be hit by the repercussion of our missile.
When the captain of our ship understood we were too slow in retreating, our ship began to quickly reverse with a great urgency (without taking time to turn the ship around). There were many warships in the area and I saw one ship to our left completely engulfed in flames and dying — it actually made a noise like a dying dinosaur — the dream ended before I knew what happened to the ship we were supposed to hit or to us.
I had a recurring nightmare as a child…somewhere around 1967….which would have made me 6 years old. It was a gray ship that was moving through the water on a beautiful day, blue sky…I could hear the waves and seagulls. I could feel the sun on my skin. I was hovering over the water, really close to the ship. The ship was breaking waves. It was all very peaceful and serene. I didn’t see any land or people. Then suddenly, comes a loud screeching sound, ear piercing.. like locusts, (I know that sound because we had Cicada locusts on the Gulf Coast), the ship melts and everything turns black, melting. Everything in my view ended up being black oil with the horrible sound. I have always thought that it was oil. Maybe it is something else. I knew nothing as a child. There was also a horrible, sickening taste in my mouth.. Don’t know exactly what it means. But it was stressed in the dream. I know it’s for the time we are living in…whatever it is..it’s not good. In fact, it was terrifying. I remember desperately trying to wake up, but I couldn’t. It was like I was being forced to watch. I normally cannot remember what I’ve dreamt the night before. But this one sticks out after 50 years and it is still vivid, every detail. I remember being terrified in the dream. I got to where I didn’t want to go to sleep for a while, that’s how often I had the dream. It was so profound, I have remembered it vividly after all of these years. But I never disclosed it to anyone but my immediate family. It’s only been the last few years, where I began thinking of it a lot and felt I had to tell it. I believe it is for the time we are in. I believe it is a warning. I believe it may be nuclear. All I know, is I have had a handful of dreams from the Lord in my lifetime and they are different than regular dreams. All of my dreams have always been very clear and direct and the message the Lord would give me would always be very plain. And, these dreams were personal to me. And they all came to pass. This one as a little girl, was one of those God kind of dreams, except that I believe it is for our country or world. It’s hard to explain unless you have received one yourself. Maybe the Lord gave me this particular dream at such a young age, so it would add some credibility to it. Because I hear hundreds of people all day long on Youtube with one dream after the other and sometimes they sound very sensational or sound like something they heard in the news the day before. I think that’s why a lot of people hesitate about sharing. I certainly don’t want to come across that way. But..as a little kid…and it was a long time ago..I remember it as if I had the dream last night. And I know it was from the Lord and I know He wants me to tell. That’s all I can do. So every now and then I put it out there. I know the dream itself doesn’t sound like much…but what I remember the most…is how terrified I was. When I saw the ship I was simply observing. But when everything turned black like oil..I was right in the middle of what was happening. It was sheer terror. Maybe it’s a warning to say time is running out. Life as we know it, is about to change by something cataclysmic. And to come to Jesus quickly, because when this happens, people won’t know what hit them.
Note: Don’t know if it means anything but there are 36 Chinese War Stratagems that mentions the Cicada. I found it interesting. May be nothing.
Slough off the Cicada’s Golden Shell
(金蟬脱殼/金蝉脱壳, Jīn chán tuō qiào)
Mask yourself. Either leave one’s distinctive traits behind, thus becoming inconspicuous, or masquerade as something or someone else. This strategy is mainly used to escape from enemy of superior strength. A decoy to fool your enemy.
This came up searching under the google images.
‘Sink two US aircraft carriers’ Chinese Admiral’s chilling recipe to dominate the South China Sea
See this video here
Published on Jan 1, 2019