Huffington Post: Christians Are Domestic Terrorists!

The Huffington Post has published an article that literally names evangelical Christianity as the primary source of domestic terrorism in the United States and that calls on the Secret Service and the FBI to investigate and “infiltrate” pro-life and evangelical Christian groups.  Frank Schaeffer, a New York Times best-selling author, posted an article on Huffington Post on June 10th entitled: “Understanding Domestic Terror USA — It’s About the Twisted Theology Stupid!”  The statements that Schaeffer makes about evangelical Christians in that article are absolutely chilling.  In fact, there are reminiscent of the types of statement the Nazis would make about groups they sought to demonize in the 1930s.

Consider these statements by Schaeffer…..

“The right wing propaganda machine and big time American evangelical religion turns stable people into jerks and a few unstable people into into killers.”

“Unlike members of al Qaeda, our terrorists aren’t part of a conspiracy. It’s worse: they are hard-to-stop lone actors energized by right wing media-driven hate and loony evangelical religion.”

“They hate America and want a revolution in the name of God, “pro-life” beliefs, anti-gay hate, racism and far right Republican politics.”

“Above all it is the “absolutes” of white evangelical America that spawn the hate.”

“The worst anti-American propaganda pours from evangelical pulpits in the name of religion and God.”

“Let’s hope the Secret Service is doing their job. Let’s hope the FBI is investigating evangelical groups and their leaders, infiltrating pro-life outfits like Operation Rescue and others from who’s ranks more domestic terrorists will come to strike at the heart of our open society.”

When you start seeing a respected, New York Times best-selling author make statements like these on one of the largest political websites on the Internet, then you know the rampant persecution of Christians is just around the corner.

Basically Schaeffer stopped just short of advocating rounding up all evangelical Christians and shipping them off to concentration camps.

Talk about hate.

Is there any question that Schaeffer hates Christians?

So what is the appropriate response?


Christians must love and forgive Schaeffer.  That is the Biblical response.

But we must also explain why such demonization of Christians is very, very, very wrong.

First of all, Schaeffer lumps Holocaust Museum shooter James Von Brunn in with evangelical Christians.

But that is the complete opposite of the truth.

The truth is that James Von Brunn not only deeply admired Charles Darwin and the theory of evolution, but that he also had a deep, seething hatred for Christians and the Bible.

How can Von Brunn be on the side of the Christians when he hated them with every fiber of his being?

According to WorldNetDaily, the following recently discovered quotes from Von Brunn illustrate how he used Social Darwinism to justify his utter hatred for Christians and Jews…..

“The New Testament was written in Greek. Paul – who believed the World was flat, that Joshua made the sun stand still, and Jehovah spoke from a burning bush – wrote one-third of it, perhaps more. The events described in the 24 Books are often contradictory, fail the time-line, defy both archaeology’s and nature’s immutable laws, and are suicidal if practiced. Nevertheless, the shamans bought it, taught it, and the illiterate public was coerced, brainwashed, threatened, tortured, murdered, and enthralled. … The Gospels profess that only Christians may enter Yahweh’s Kingdom of Heaven. To qualify, among other demands, Christians must LOVE THEIR ENEMIES (Jews); give away their personal belongings; eschew knowledge; judge not, despise nature, abandon earthly pleasures, acknowledge that all YHWH’s children are equal; and above all else worship YHWH, the jealous, wrathful, vengeful, unforgiving, genocidal, anthropomorphic tribal god (Jesus’ father) created by Hebrews in their image and likeness. Omnipotent, omniscient YHWH promises Hebrews that they alone shall inherit the earth, that it is commendable to steal from Gentiles, better yet — kill them. Whereas Gentiles, if they fail to worship YHWH, are transported straight to Hell. And it is written, ‘A little child shall lead them.’ These dangerous, imbecilic, concepts, tenets, and teachings, often treasonous, DESTROYED the Roman Empire and drenched the soil of Europe with Aryan blood for almost 2000 years!”

“The Big Lie technique, employed by Paul to create the CHRISTIAN RELIGION, also was used to create the HOLOCAUST RELIGION … CHRISTIANITY AND THE HOLOCAUST are HOAXES.”

Schaeffer needs to eat his words.

Von Brunn was not on the side of Christianity.

Von Brunn considered Christians to be his mortal enemy.

The truth is that whenever Darwinism and atheism triumph, it results in the extreme oppression of Jews and Christians.

Take a moment and think of every major atheist nation of the 20th century – the U.S.S.R., communist China, Cuba, all of communist eastern Europe, North Korea – they all persecuted Jews and Christians with extreme brutality.

Most atheists today like to think of themselves as peaceful.

But look at Schaeffer and Von Brunn.

Both of them HATE Christians and want to do something to them.

The truth is that the ideology of Holocaust Museum shooter Von Brunn most closely resembles the anti-Semitic and anti-Christian “social Darwinism” of Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler.

The Nazis fully embraced the theories of Charles Darwin and sought to apply the implications of that theory to society as a whole.

In fact, there are amazing parallels to be drawn between Nazism and the Christian hating ideologies of Schaeffer and Von Brunn.

The vast majority of people believe that Nazism was a far right political movement, but that assumption is completely and totally wrong.

The official title of the Nazi party under Adolf Hitler was the “National Socialist German Workers’ Party”.

Please take special note of the word “Socialist” in that title.

The Nazis were socialists.

Many of you who are reading this article will instantly deny that fact, but it is true.

They were socialists.

That is not right – that is far left.

The Nazis advocated very tight social and economic control by a big, powerful central government.

That is a far left philosophy – not a far right one.

The reality is that a big government that dominates that lives of the citizens is always the desire of leftists.

Well, what about social issues?  Were the Nazis on the right or the left?

When the Nazis came to power in 1933 one of the very first acts of Hitler was to legalize abortion in Germany.

By 1935, there were more than 500,000 abortions being performed in Germany each and every year.

That doesn’t sound “far right”, now does it?

The reality is that Adolf Hitler was a huge fan of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, and she was a big admirer of him.

Just how did Margaret Sanger feel about unborn children?:

“The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”


Talk about sick!

Hitler not only advocated abortion, but he also vigorously advanced the eugenics agenda of Planned Parenthood.

Adolf Hitler wrote this in Mein Kampf: “The demand that defective people be prevented from propagating equally defective offspring. . . represents the most humane act of mankind.”
-Mein Kampf, vol. 1, ch. 10

Hitler’s obsession with eugenics resulted in the involuntary euthanasia of large numbers of disabled people and the compulsory sterilization of thousands of people with mental deficiencies.

Just like the far left of today, Hitler had absolutely no respect for human life.

Well, what about education? Were Hitler and the Nazis on the far right or the far left?

In “The Swastika against the Cross: The Nazi War on Christianity”, author Bruce Walker describes how the Nazis declared an all out war against Christianity in their public schools.  In his book he documents the following facts about the Nazis….

-Only clergymen were permitted to teach religious classes, and those clergymen were forced to teach according to the anti-Christian instructions of the Nazi Ministry of Education.

-In the city of Wurrtemberg, when clergymen totally refused to follow Nazi teachings on religion, 700 of them were permanently banned from the classroom.

-Christian prayers were totally banned from the public schools and crucifixes and other Christian symbols were physically removed as well.

-By 1935, the passionately anti-Christian leader of the Hitler Youth, Baldur von Shirach, issued a regulation that prohibited any child from belonging simultaneously to a Christian youth group and the Hitler Youth.

-Gradually, membership in the Hitler Youth became almost obligatory, and parents were told that their children would not get good jobs in the civil service unless they belonged to the Hitler Youth and employers were told that they should not hire children who did not belong to the Hitler Youth.

-Christian children who did not belong to the Hitler Youth or its female counterpart were routinely beaten up by young Nazi thugs.

-Boys inducted into the Hitler Youth were required to explicitly reject Christianity by disgusting oaths such as this: “German blood and Christian baptismal water are completely incompatible.”

The following is an actual Hitler Youth slogan:

“The Faith fanatics, who still to-day slide down on their knees with faces uplifted to heaven, waste their time in churchgoing and prayers, and have not yet understood that they are living on the earth and that therefore their task is of a thoroughly earthly kind. All we Hitler people can still only look with the greatest contempt on those young people who still run to their silly Evangelical or Catholic Churches in order to vent their quite superstitious religious feelings.”

These are actual quotes from Hitler Youth training manuals:

“Christianity is a religion of slaves and fools.”

“How did Christ die? Whining at the Cross!”

“The Ten Commandments represent the lowest instincts of man.”

“Christianity is merely a cloak for Judaism.”

The Nazi tract “Gott und Volk” was widely distributed in 1941, and it clearly describes how the Nazis envisioned their children being raised: “With parties and gifts the youth will be led painlessly from one faith to the other and will grow up without ever having heard of the Sermon on the Mount or the Golden Rule, to say nothing of the Ten Commandments… The education of the youth is to be confined primarily by the teacher, the officer, and the leaders of the party. The priests will die out. They have estranged the youth from the Volk. Into their places will step the leaders. Not deputies of God. But anyway the best Germans. And how shall we train our children? Thus, as though they had never heard of Christianity!”

Now doesn’t this sick philosophy sound way too familiar?

Doesn’t it?

Today the ACLU and other far left organizations are rabidly trying to eliminate every shred of Christianity from the public schools of America.

So are Hitler and the Nazis closer to the Left of today or to the Right of today?

It appears that the answer is completely obvious.

But it is not just the radical left that is demonizing Christians.  Now evangelical Christians are being labeled as potential domestic terrorists in official government reports.

For example, on February 20, 2009, the State of Missouri issued a stunning report entitled: “MIAC Strategic Report: The Modern Militia Movement.”

That law enforcement report labeled individuals who supported conservative presidential candidates Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and Chuck Baldwin as “dangerous” and inferred that those individuals are potential terrorists.

The MIAC report also instructed police and other government officials that the following political views are “dangerous” and could signal that someone is a potential terrorist:

*Anyone opposing abortion

*Anyone opposing illegal immigration

*Anyone who believes that the New World Order is a threat

*Anyone who is against the North American Union

*Anyone who has a negative view of the U.N.

It is interesting to note that no left-leaning political ideologies or organizations were identified in the report. Neither were Islamic extremists mentioned in the report at all. Apparently only those who support candidates like Ron Paul or Chuck Baldwin are considered to be dangerous.

These are exactly the type of tactics that were used in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia to demonize and crush political opposition. When official government reports start labeling supporters of certain political candidates as “potential terrorists” all Americans should begin to get alarmed.

It doesn’t matter how you feel about those candidates either. For example, you may hate what Ron Paul stands for. It doesn’t matter. What does matter is that when official government reports openly attack certain political groups, we are all being attacked.

Another example of this disturbing trend towards repression is the recent Department of Homeland Security report on “right wing extremism” that created a firestorm of controversy across America.

Why was there such an extraordinary uproar over this report?

Because it labeled tens of millions of American Christians as “potential domestic terrorists”.

Below is a list of 14 characteristics of a “domestic terrorist” that were pulled right out of this report.

According to the Department of Homeland Security, you may be a domestic terrorist if…..

*you are a U.S. military veteran returning from duty in Iraq or Afghanistan

*you believe in “end times” prophecies

*you believe in state’s rights

*you are against abortion

*you are against illegal immigration

*you believe in the 2nd Amendment

*you criticize any of the free trade agreements the U.S. has made

*you are against same-sex marriage

*you believe that an economic collapse is happening

*you think that the U.S. may declare martial law someday

*you believe that the U.S. is creating detention camps

*you stockpile food, ammunition or weapons

*you believe that illegal immigrants are taking away American jobs

*you believe “New World Order” conspiracy theories

Do any of those apply to you?

Has your own government just labeled you a potential domestic terrorist?

When official government reports label pro-life Christians, pro-marriage Christians and Christians who believe we are living in the end times as potential domestic terrorists, it is a clear sign that society is going straight down the toilet.

Persecution is coming.  Let us all meet this coming persecution with love and by praying for those who would persecute us, that we may win some of them over for Christ.