Phyllis Cheslock was born in 1938 in Brewer, Maine and is the Mother of 8 children (2 boys and 6 girls), 18 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. She accepted Jesus / Yeshua as her savior at the age of 10 and the call on her life began. She is an anointed Teacher of the Word of God as well has a prophesier. She has prophesied / interpreted many over her life and has received visions with interpretation. In her latter years she began and continues to study the scriptures from the Holy Hebraic roots with phenomenal revelation understanding of the deep mysteries of our Great God / Elohim.
Below is just one of her visions of men dressed in black who come into the church and point guns at believers.
Here is her comment about her vision.
Shalom Sister,
Yes, but I did not know it was ISIS until they exposed themselves….. In the vision the men dressed the way they were, were not seen until this past year and that is when I realized and told Ronda it was ISIS. I saw many terrorists but not until I saw the way ISIS was dressed did I know it was ISIS………… I knew they were not from this part of the world but when Ruach HaKodesh told me DO NOT DENY THAT JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD, that is what no one understood until after 911…and that is why He told me not to deny Him as the Son of God because I will be confronted by them about this…)
Authority Figures – Men Dressed In Black With Hoods- Phyllis Cheslock’s 1948 Vision
Authority Figures – Men Dressed In Black With Hoods- Phyllis Cheslock’s 1948 Vision
Revelation Of Her Vision / Warnings To America – Phyllis Cheslock’s 1948 Vision
Phyllis Cheslock’s Pictures Of What She Saw In Her 1948 Vision
Additional Comments By Phyllis:
In 1948 none of what I saw in the vision had ever been seen by anyone anywhere, so it was not at all common until after 911. There was no such item as a ski hood or guns like the ones I saw. Although it may be a common sight now, it was Ruach HaKodesh letting us know that in the year of the rebirth of the Nation of Israel, that in the time of the end He gave us something that would be a sign to us as Christians to be aware of. He was also letting us know who they were by what He told me not to deny, “DO NOT DENY JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD”. As a child of 10 and knowing very very little about religion, I certainly would not have considered that statement important, but as it turns out, that is the statement that was telling us who those men were in black.
Thank you for all you are doing for The Lord and for His people through visions and dreams, but being aware that people can and will be deceived through any and all methods if they DO NOT KNOW THE WORD OF GOD.
Visions Of Jews and Christians Being Removed From America – Rosa …
In 2010 I had this vivid dream. It was around 2:00 AM. In my dream I heard the doorbell ring. It was so real that I woke up and headed towards my door, I opened it and no one was there. Went back to sleep, and the same dream came back where I left off. In the dream I opened the door and there standing in front of me, was a man dressed in black like the SS officers of Hitler. He asked me what is that and pointed to the right of my door, where I had a Mezuzah, I knew in my spirit that he knew what it was. I said it is a Mezuzah, he asked me are you Jewish? I said yes! His answer was, you have 24 hours to get out of the country, if not you will be taken to a camp.
The dream ended.
Michelle Walcott’s Dreams Of American Concentration Camps, Martial …
Oct 20, 2015 – All of a sudden I looked up and saw a couple of men dressed all in black with a strange looking sort of hat on their head, like a Beret’ I suppose .
End Times Events- Martial Law Dreams And Visions – Why God?
Aug 14, 2015 – Then these men strapped me down and they said, “You can …. These guys were in full combat riot gear and they had a black police style …
Lu Smith’s Vision Of Supernatural Protection Of Believers By Heavens …
Jul 16, 2016 – The soldiers were dressed in white helmets with a black string around their chin. They had on two piece black military uniforms with double …