The Late Lester Sumrall Interprets A SHOCKING Prophetic Tongue Warning From Elohim About Homosexuality

lester-sumrall-prophetic-warningThe video comment below this youtube video caught my attention and I had to watch it.  It is just over a minute long….

“This is one of the rare times I have seen someone interpret tongues and what was interpreted was a prophetic warning to be adhered to.”

I have to say that I haven’t heard a tongue being interpreted before either. 

Listen to the interpretation of this tongue which was spoken in the audience, and I must say it was a VERY STRONG WORD of Warning to all those who participate in homosexuality. 


Thus saith the Lord you know better than the people of Sodom and if you do the things that Sodom did you shall die says the Lord and  there is no escape saith the Lord.  

There was no escape for those people and there will be no escape for you

There will be no escape for this land

There will be no escape for any other land they that disregard me, they that turn against me they shall suffer the consequences thereof says the Lord God Almighty whose name is Jehovah