“So many of you struggle because you do not spend time with me”- A Prophetic Word Given To Lindy Pierce


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Lindy Snow Pierce,June 4 ·

Lindy Pierce is a mother and owner of Lion of Judah Anointing Oil. She received this word from the Lord on June 2, 2016.  We are needing to spend time with the Lord, because truly He is our sole provider in the days ahead.  This message shows the heart of the Father towards His children.

A Word From the Lord to His Own- 3 June 2016

“NOW is the time to come into My presence, My beloveds. Things are about to get rough in this old world. It will rock and reel like a drunkard and you must hold onto ME to keep your balance. Nothing will be the same. Life will not go on as it has been. The enemy has had his plans, but I HAVE MINE. He will succeed in some areas, and I will allow this. His own will have a rough time of it because he will not be there for them as I will be for mine. You have nothing to worry about if you stay in the shadow of My wings.

“Be prepared. Many have been telling you to prepare for hard times and many of you have scoffed at My messengers. You have but a short time to change your mind about that and get ready for the times to come. There are times I will instruct my children not to open their doors to anyone. What will you do then? Are you counting on them for help? I tell you truly, it may not be available to you. What will you do then? Many will be wandering the streets and many will be armed and dangerous. Do you really want to expose yourself to that? What will you do when your children cry out in hunger, or thirst? I tell you, prepare now, for you know not what day these things will begin. But time is short, shorter than you know.

“I would that ALL my children would come to me for strength DAILY. So many of you struggle because you do not spend time with me. You have so much to do, and I realize that. Many of you serve me with a whole heart and keep busy doing for others. But don’t forget yourselves. You need Me FIRST. Then you will be fit to minister. Never forget this.

“So, again, I say come to Me and let Me refresh you and charge your batteries for the day. And then lie down in My arms of love when you go to sleep at night. There is no safer place and nowhere where you can receive as much love and peace.

“I love you, my children. I cherish you beyond measure. I long to hold you in My arms. That day is coming soon. Stay in my peace and occupy until I come.”