“The state of California and the land just east of it had split off from the rest of the U.S” A Prophetic Dream Given To Jan Meador

Jan Meador11.25.2003 Volcano & Massive Earthquake Split the U.S. In Two

Dream: America’s geography transformed by volcanoes and a great earthquake.


Just before 3:30 A.M. November 25, 2003, I dreamed my husband and I were walking down the street of an unfamiliar city with tall buildings on each side.  It was night and I was carrying my granddaughter on my hip.  Suddenly, I could see a large amber glow from behind some large buildings across the street as if something was on fire.  I mentioned it to my husband  and began to walk down the street toward the light to see what it was. When I got to the corner of the building I saw that the city was on fire.  The street was violently exploding  in multiple places caused by a volcano erupting beneath.  These explosions were moving quickly up the street toward us.  The ground began to shake and the street began to split from a massive earthquake.  I turned and began running back the way I came, yelling for my husband to run.  The street we were on began to explode violently with fire shooting high into the air and the earthquake continued to move toward us.  Though this was frightening, I was not horrified, but just knew we had to get away from this.   We ran t0 seek safety  in a church we had belonged to and I had led worship years earlier.  In the dream (not reality), the church was at the top of a steep hill.  All the while we were running for safety, the volcanic explosions and splitting earth was right behind us.  As soon as we reached the foot of the hill and started the incline, I knew that we were safe and did not have to run.  As I walked up the incline I did not look back, but began to sing praise choruses to the Lord.  A lady walking on my right began to sing them with me.

Still carrying my granddaughter on my hip, we made it to the church at the top of the high hill and I walked inside.  A man was standing in the church that reminded me of my former pastor of that church, but as I got closer I realized it wasn’t him. I spoke to this pastor and told him that I used to be the worship leader of this church.  I then stepped back outside alone and looked back toward where we  had come from.  At that instant, I was lifted high above the Untied States and could see all of it as if looking down at a map of the  U.S.  My viewpoint from above was as if I was northeast of California and facing southwest.  From this vantage point, I saw that the state of California and the land just east of it had split off from the rest of the U.S.This massive volcano and earthquake had split the nation in two from top to bottom and the ocean had filled in between causing the U.S. to be separated into two continents.  I knew this had something to do with the end times and wondered if this was the separation of the saved and the unsaved, but then I remembered that I knew one of the men in the church and knew that he was either not saved or was very backslid.  I knew I had to witness to him, and from that moment on, my focus was on witnessing and causing people to realize that their time was VERY SHORT. I sensed strongly that Jesus’ return was very near–that we didn’t have much time to win souls to Christ.  I was again standing inside the church and saw that most of the people were still scurrying around in fear.  All I wanted to do was warn them–and I did.  As I was sharing what the Lord had shown me to one of the people there,  I woke up.

In my dream I knew it was the “end times”–that Jesus’ return was near and this earthquake was a sign of it.  I knew that this volcano and earthquake literally transforming the geography of this nation was very significant.

When a friend read this dream, she asked me if I felt that this earthquake that split the nation in two could represent a civil war.  She said that she keeps hearing the Lord saying “civil war” to her.  I told her it could.  It could represent both.  In fact, such a disastrous event could trigger civil unrest and cause an already divided county’s government to collapse.


Six months after having this dream, on May 2-3, 2004, the mini series 10.5 aired on TV.  In this made for TV movie, massive earthquakes devastate Seattle and parts of California, causing a chasm to be filled with water, separating the state of California from the rest of the U.S.  Then, two years later, May 21 & 23, 2006, the sequel, 10.5 Apocalypse, aired.  It picks up where the first left off, and this time, the quake sets off a chain reaction of fault lines causing a quake to split the U.S. from top to bottom east of California, ending with the waters from the Gulf of Mexico flooding into the chasm and breaking the U.S. into two continents.  I cannot tell you how I felt sitting there watching my dream play out through these movies.  Before my dream, I had never seen or heard of anything even similar to my dream.  Then, within six months of the dream, I’m watching it unfold before me.  Then again, two years later, I watch the rest of it unfold on the screen.


As I watched my dream of 9/10 come to pass the morning of 9/11, just after the second plane hit the WTC, the LORD spoke to me and said, “It’s not over.” (Of which I knew He was speaking of the events of the day) “This is just the beginning.” (I knew He was speaking of future attacks.)
Since 9/11/2001, the LORD has given me 3 visions of the attack on the WTC and I knew another such attack was coming.
Attack on America


Volcanoes & Earthquakes on U.S. West Coast…Splitting the Nation in two (The splitting of the nation as a direct result of splitting the land of Israel)

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